L'associazione culturale no profit "Meraki Testa Dell'Acqua"
è stata registrata ad agosto 2024 per promuovere iniziative culturali dedicate ai soci.
La quota associativa annuale è di 5 euro, e l'iscrizione può essere effettuata di persona.
(modulo online per pre-registrarsi).

Inoltre, immaginiamo Meraki TDA come un luogo per residenze artistiche, collaborazioni multidisciplinari e incubatore di progetti.

Iscriviti alla nostra newsletter mensile per rimanere aggiornato e siamo felici di ricevere idee, proposte e suggerimenti per contenuti, attivita’ e collaborazioni.


The non-profit cultural association "Meraki Testa Dell'Acqua" was registered in August 2024 to organize cultural initiatives for its members.
The annual membership fee is 5 euros, and you can register in person with us (
form to pre-register online).
Furthermore, we envision Meraki TDA to become a place for artistic residencies, multidisciplinary collaborations, and a project incubator.

Sign up for our monthly newsletter below to stay updated.
We are happy to receive ideas, proposals, and suggestions for content, activities, and collaborations.



Stiamo lavorando al nostro programma per l’inverno, che si svolgerà tra la nostra sala interna e alcuni momenti musicali presso il Jolly Bar di Testa dell’Acqua. Se avete proposte, fatecelo sapere! A breve pubblicheremo le iniziative su questa pagina.

We are working on our winter program, which will take place between our indoor space and some musical events at Jolly Bar in Testa dell’Acqua. If you have any suggestions, let us know!
We will soon publish the initiatives on this page.

Collaboriamo insieme!
Siamo felici di ricevere idee, proposte e suggerimenti per contenuti, attivita’ e collaborazioni.

Let us collaborate!
We are happy to receive ideas, proposals, and suggestions for content, activities, and collaborations.

  • Residencies & Retreats

    Our passion are the arts in all its forms and disciplines. We welcome single artists to groups wanting to develop new work or needing spaces with tailormade services to focus on their process.
    We can offer meeting spaces, indoor and outdoor stages, workshop locations and support for audio, video and light requirements.
    We have several options for accommodation.
    We also welcome company retreats and team building events.

  • Courses and Experiences

    Courses & Experiences

    Through our local and international networks we can offer a wide array of courses and experiences. From instrument building and playing, to photography and cooking.
    The local area offers unique landscapes, products and historic sites.
    We can offer wine tastings, culinary experiences, nature walks to thematic tours.

  • Private events & location rental

    With a significant background in events and private services we can offer a unique setting and personalisation for special occasions and shootings.
    We can offer location only but also can provide any service from, catering and entertainment to photography services.

Venite a trovarci (solo su appuntamento o per eventi)
Visit Us (by appointment only)

Testa Dell’Acqua (Noto)

E-mail: meraki.testadellacqua@gmail.com


Direzioni per raggiungerci
Directions to reach us